Up bright and early for a 7am start in theatre.
High on
meds I can't help
sniggering as I am wheeled into Theatre 13!
I go under precisely on time.
After 5 hours in theatre, my first reaction on waking is to throw up.
I believe the technical term is Post Operative Nausea.
Very impressed by the speed of the nurse with the bowl.
I'm moved into Intensive Care (normal procedure)
I FEEL AWFUL and look like something out of a 50s Sci-
fi B Movie with pipes everywhere
I plead to have the catheter removed to no avail (if you've never had one, you cannot guess how uncomfortable it is wanting to continually urinate, but knowing that you are doing it already)
Vague memories of a visit from Carol
And a visit the surgeon who told me the operation was
successful, and they had confirmed that the tumour is pure brain material (i.e. Primary).
Hoorah (I guess)
I was told that I wouldn't get the final results from the Biopsie until next Wednesday (5th September)
Hard to imagine how I slept, but I did, like a log.