Wednesday, 28 May 2008

40 minutes in the Doughnut

Spent an hour at the hospital this morning to get my latest MRI. I've got so used to this procedure of sticking my head in a doughnut for 40 minutes that I managed to get some extra kip. I only woke up for the radiologist (or is it a Magnetologist?) to stick a needle in my arm to introduce the contrast agent.

I must ask sometime why they do one set without contrast and a second (much shorter session) with.

My appointment to discuss the results are not until Friday week. This is my first MRI post Chemo treatment, so I'm quite looking forward to the results.

Monday, 26 May 2008

Career Decisions

To be honest my life hasn't changed a lot since I was diagnosed with my tumour nearly nine months ago. Sure, I have been through some uncomfortable therapies (and a little Brain Surgery) but I haven't been stopped from living a full life. I still work around the house & garden, do the washing up, go shopping, take holidays, (try and) keep fit, listen to music as much as ever, and enjoy the company of my family when they are around. I have also been working quite a lot, and was hoping to do so more if the treatments are finished for a while.

I guess I think about my disease several times a day. Sometimes its just when I'm taking my pills or when I accidentally see the hole in my head reflected in the mirror (or some kid stares at me just that little too long on the train), other times it is when I want to pop out and I know I have to to take a bus or rely on Carol to get me where I want to go. But none of these make me feel sad or depressed as they are just little life adjustments.

Today, though, I decided to let a colleague go to an important conference in my place. I would normally have been expected to attend this in my role, but I decided quite rationally to make sure this colleague started to take over my role more.

This was giving up on my career and it hurt!
I need to think about this....

Thursday, 22 May 2008

Blood Tests

I am booked in to the hospital next Wednesday for an MRI with contrast, so I had to go to the doctor this morning for a blood test to check my creatine levels (no not cretin levels).

Apparently the contrast agent can upset the creatine levels in the blood, so I need a normal level before I go.Wasn't that interesting?

Yet another hole in the arm.

Tuesday, 20 May 2008


It look as if I am in esteemed company.

"Preliminary results from a biopsy of the brain [of Edward Kennedy] identified the cause of a seizure as a malignant glioma in the left parietal lobe,"

Same symptoms, Same place, Same type (wish I could have waited until I was 76).

All my condolences to Mr. Kennedy and his family.
Might we see a Eddie blog?

Family Getogethers

Carol & I just spent a long weekend in England to visit family. Both our respective families have their recent roots in London (East End for Carol and Greenwich for me). Both of our parents moved out in the late 50's to Stevenage New Town (hence our chanceful linking up). Since then none of our parents, have remained (which if you knew the town would not suprise you) but spread themselves between Peterborough and London (except us, who are a little further afield).

To cut a long a long story short, visiting Parents, Siblings, Neices and Nephews is just about picking a couple of meeting places in between Peterborough & London.

Friday was spent at my In-laws, and after spending the morning at a drizzly Car Boot Sale (a favourite pastime of both Carol and her Mother) Carol's 2 sisters turned up with husbands and some of the Gardiner Nieces & Nephews. On the Smith's side (that's my side) we have the advantage that one my 3 sisters runs a pub in a little village near Hitchin, thus providing an ideal meeting space.

This is the first time that we have met our folks since my diagnosis, but it was really pleasent that nobody dwelt on the subject. It was a fun few days of reminiscing and catching up.

Love you guys.

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Sudden Seizures

After two and a half weeks of bliss without seizures I had THREE in one day, today.
I have no idea what brought those on, but it has brought the average back up again : Bugger

Perhaps it was the stress of entertaining two Carol's at lunch :-)

Friday, 9 May 2008

Return to Blogsphere

Sorry I've been missing for a while. Its partly I haven't had too much worthy to write about and partly because I have been so busy. So here is a quick summary.

My really cool birthday present from Carol finally arrived. It's a 110cm high Indoor waterfull black, iconic and beautiful (and about 120Kg). Impossible to describe the water effect, but the shape is a pile of square granite tiles each one offset from the one below. It reminds me of the Black thing on the cover or Led Zeppelin's Presence (except much bigger)

Weather has been great so I've spent a lot of time in the Garden watching Carol work :-)

Been at a conference in Athens this week, must have put on 4kg's (haven't dared to look) due to the fabulous food in great locations (Overlooking the Acropolis, Along the Seafront at Sunset, in a private Baroque museum)......The conference was OK too.

Oh yeah, and my health. since finishing the Chemo, nothing worth mentioning except I'm having less seizures and less headaches. In fact pretty much less of everything.

Someday's I go without a thought for my little pest.

Current Music list (a bit eclectic this time):
Portishead 3 - Worth the 10 years wait (but I'd like the next one a little sooner)
Loads of 80's Indie (Cocteau Twins, Belly, Eels, Garbage.......)

And a couple from Finland with odd instrumentation:
Gjallarhorn - Ranarop (Folk)
Le Sega del Cantro - Das Kekkonen (Jazz/Folk Duo)