Thursday, 19 December 2002

Prague at Christmastime

Just had the dubious pleasure of a day trip to Prague on business (the inside of a meeting room in Prague looks pretty much like the inside of a meeting room in Zurich or London or .....). I did however get the chance to walk around the city late last night and it does look rather splendid in its Christmas attire. The squares all have their grand Christmas trees and their numerous market stalls all selling their local wares and plenty of "Grog" to ward of the cold. I especially liked all the old style lamposts with their yuletide stars atop, and of course their is Wenceslas square, but no sign of the good king stepping out.

Glad to be home though with only two more whole working days to go before a nice break from the daily grind!

Hopefully I can get my voice back in form (cold still there) before the annual trip to church for christmas Carols. I can smell the Turkey cooking already. I reckon I'm almost as exited as my 11 year old.

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