Sunday, 30 September 2007

Brunch & Bowling

Every fortnight (two weeks for any non-European readers) we host a Family Brunch which usually starts (late) at around 11 or 12am, and today was no different.

It is a rather busy affair with at least 7 adults and 2 children all pitching in to do a full English style breakfast with the addition of Muesli (in respect of our home country :-).

Occasionally we have friends around too, so today we had 9 adults and the 2 kids. For me these events are a highlight and am often disappointed on the quiet weekend in the middle. It is one of the few chances to have all the kids and their partners around us and the conversation (in our usual mix of English and Swiss-German) can go on well into the afternoon.

As it was the first time we had talked to our friends face to face since the discovery of my tumour a lot of our conversation was about my progress and how we as a family were all taking it.

Late in the afternoon this week we went 10 pin Bowling to wear of some the excess food and many of the participants were still around for dinner.
Some of the simplest of pleasures with friends and family are the most joyous.
In the evening (after a very small seizure) I thought for the first time it might be a good idea to start a blog. So many of the cancer blogs I have read concentrate on the disease and its treatment and forget to mention the the rest of life that goes on around and with the victim (its too early to say sufferer, and I hope it stays that way).
I'm hoping to cover it all, if I'm brave enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Ian, I have stumbled onto your Blog in Canberra, Australia. My mother was diagnosed GBM in Sydney Oct07. Mum is following the same treatment regime as you...your observations are very interesting and helpful in comparing what she is going through. Thanks for your amazing effort....I wish you and your family all power in dealing with this little beast!