Tuesday, 16 October 2007

A Friend in Hospital

Had my blood platelets count checked this morning before being issued with my Temodar forthe next two weeks. Apparently I still have a few platelets. Had a chat with the Oncologist whose seems to be very happy with my lack of side effects so far (so am I).

Went to visit a friend in hospital this afternoon who has just had a chunk of his Colon removed due to some ruptures which were preventing waste from being transported properly and trapping some of it (I think the condition is diverticulitis). He seems to be recovering well, but has gone through a few nights of hell. Get well soon mate.


Rob said...

Had the same done a couple of years ago. Its very painful but a great relieve afterwards. I hope your friend has recovered. Rob

Rob said...
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Ian said...

He's still suffering a bit but not enough to stop him enjoying hiself.