Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Delivering the News

I was at a get together of old colleagues last night (we all used to or still work for the same large Insurer), we met up for a drinks and dinner.

Needless to say not all of the guys knew of my new condition and as usual I never know how to deal with an announcement, which is neccesary if for no other reason that I happen to have a bloody great scar that I didn't used to have. I chose to deal with it as the matter arose generating some serious shocks with a couple of the guys (sorry). Dealing with this never seems to get any easier.

Anyway it was a fun evening despite my standard party pooper.


Karlee said...

Dear Ian, I just wanted to write to you and wish you and Carol happiness, peace and strength. My mom was diagnosed with GBM on 9/23 and we lost her on 11/10. Her situation was very different than yours as her tumor was already the size of a fist and had also spread into 2/3 of her brain - so no treatment options were viable for her. I have been reading patients' stories because they help me to connect to others and then strangely back to her. This has somehow helped me and I am sure helped others so I wanted to let you know that I appreciated your sharing your story so publically. We brought my mom home from the hospital as soon as we could and made her comfortable and enjoyed the remainder of her life as peacefully and surrounded by her friends and loved ones. I was her primary caregiver so I was very busy; but now I am writing my memories of her journey as close to a diary format as I can and will probably share it publically as well. Everyone's story is so important, so different; but in many respects so much the same. I just wanted to reach out to you and let you know I am thinking of you and pulling for you as I am sure many many others are as well.

Ian said...

Dear Karlee,
It must have been tough for you and your family and friends to lose your mum so soon after diagnosis, and I can only, rather selfishly, think how lucky I am to have been given more time with my family and friends. I think that it is so important for the GBM community (for that is what we are) to hear as many stories as possible and I encourage you to share your mother's story too. Thanks for reaching out.