The tree is decorated and the presents underneath
The smell of Sausage rolls and mince pies cooking wafts in from the kitchen
Lights, candles and decorations in reds and golds litter the house like a set from a fairytale
The houses around us and many of our friends start their Christmas celebrations Swiss style*
We will soon sit down for a Chistmas Eve dinner of Boiled Ham and pastries
At aroud Midnight my Daughter, Son-in-Law and Grandchildren complete the picture
And the preparation for the big day will be complete
I give thanks that I am here to celebrate this Christmas season with all of my family
The smell of Sausage rolls and mince pies cooking wafts in from the kitchen
Lights, candles and decorations in reds and golds litter the house like a set from a fairytale
The houses around us and many of our friends start their Christmas celebrations Swiss style*
We will soon sit down for a Chistmas Eve dinner of Boiled Ham and pastries
At aroud Midnight my Daughter, Son-in-Law and Grandchildren complete the picture
And the preparation for the big day will be complete
I give thanks that I am here to celebrate this Christmas season with all of my family
*The Swiss open their gifts on the 24th while the English wait untill the 25th

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