Tuesday, 4 March 2008


I've been downgraded (maybe)!

I don't know if you remember that Universitätsspital Zürich were going to do a second opinion of my tumour histology? Well they have, and they couldn't find any features of a grade IV tumour (GBM), so in their books I have a (anaplastic) astrocytoma grade III which is good news isn't it?

Well yes and no?
  • It makes my mortality statistics slightly higher (but not by enough to think about)
  • Both agree I have malignant tumours (thank goodness, I wouldn't have wanted all this nasty treatment otherwise)
  • Some trails are now out of my reach because they favour GBM's (like the Tumour Treating Fields trial I kind of favoured)
  • It introduces more uncertainty
Perhaps I'll feel better about this when I've got over the current Cold & Chemo bout.
Did I mention Carol & I should be off Thailand for a couple of weeks starting Sunday?

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