Sunday, 19 October 2008

Danger Mobile!

Over the last year or so I have been reading a lot of literature on Brain Cancer and I can't help bumping into lots of studies going on relating to the use of mobile phones and tumours. What comes out of all this information (in my view) is that all the early studies that showed no correlation (e.g. the Interphone studies) had failures in the statistical methods being used (e.g. looking at too short a usage period, too low a frequency of usage, even EXCLUDING business users).

The more recent studies from Scandinavia (not sponsored by phone companies) that show approximately 5 times the risk of developing tumours have "fixed" these methodology problems. These studies also showed a strong correlation between the side that phones were held and the side of the developed tumours.

A particularly disturbing finding from recent studies is the massively increased effects on children and young adults.

What's more using phones with headsets, although no longer posing a threat to the brain, does not remove the risk to the lower body from carrying the phone in the hip pocket. Studies have already shown lower sperm counts and damage to bone marrow in the presence of mobile phones.

So far we have no conclusive evidence for any of this, but I'm telling my family to use headphones whenever possible and to use a case which keeps the phone a little away from the body. Also I will not to let my grandchildren anywhere near mobile phones when I'm around.

I'll keep you posted while I'm still around to do so.

p.s. I have been using mobiles held against the left hand side of my head for over 10 years, the side of my tumour. Who knows?

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