Sunday, 19 April 2009

Happy Birthday Me

So I've got through two birthdays since GM1 (grand mal 1). Every event seems to mean
more to me now, so every birthday (not just mine), anniversary, christmas, MRI etc. is a time for celebration. Who needs presents when you can just celebrate life.

Having said that, many thanks for all the presents. I can't help thinking that everybody knows me too well or is it just the massive hints from me or answers to questions such as "What do you want for your Birthday Dad?"

: for "the truth" led to a present of the Qur'an from Kayleigh
: for "oddity" led to some David Lynch stuff from my Amber & Joss
: for "fitness" led to some hitech dumbbells (yes, truly hitech) from Carol

I'm sure you will hear more about these well received gifts in the near future

1 comment:

Lyn said...

don't forget the cake!!