Saturday, 8 September 2012

It's alive! It's alive!

(Hello this is Amber writing, because my dad can't write at the moment. This will hopefully change in the near future, but in the meantime dictating to me has to suffice.) Just a short note. Entered the hospital on wednesday the 5.9.12 and was operated on on thursday. The tumor was bigger than expected, but much of it has been removed. I haven't seen a picture of it as yet, so no idea how much bigger. The first couple of days after the op were bad, death wishes etc. But today I have my will to live back...even with the strange things I have to work around such as weird visual effects (the right eye has been effected so my eyesight seems to have gotten worse), disembodied body parts and having to relearn how to use the ipad and phone. I am also now titanium man thanks to a newly aquired titanium plate. (for the swiss readers: I upgraded to halbprivat, to enjoy the two beds per room and the coffee and cake trolley). Hoping to leave on monday if all goes well and will give you an update when I get home.

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