Sunday, 17 February 2008

Playlist Update

So what am I listening to at the moment

Radiohead - In Rainbows (2007) + the rest of Radiohead
I love this band

Seasick Steve - Dog House Music (2006)
Real blues from a real hobo. Just a man, his guitar, lots of humour and sad endings.

Steve Earle - Washington Square Serenade (2007)
Country rock from an old master. Best album since Copperhead road

Amy Winehouse - Frank (2003)
Yes, I'm sorry every one wants to hate Amy, but this lady has a fine voice and here its even more jazzy than on Back to Black, so you can't

Dead Can Dance - Aion (1990)

Deerhoof - Milk Man (2004)
Some might find them wierd. Alternately thrash and nursery tunes. Love them.

Philip Glass - Symphonies 2 & 3 (1994)
Mister arpeggio shows how much a musical spectrum you can cover even with a severe set of self imposed limitations. Quite a contrast but both equally engaging. These are the two symphonies between the Low & Heroes symphonies inspired by Bowie / Eno's albums ow the same names.

The The - Mind Bomb (1989)
Protest dance music late 80's style. This man (Matt Johnson) was pretty caustic but his lyrics are just as valid now if not more so. "If the real Jesus stood up today, he'd be shot down by the CIA"


Rob said...

The marriage in England also helps if you want to divorce but I think you are worse off in this case than by divorcing und Swiss law.

Rob said...

Copperhead Road is still the best song from Steve for me. How about Rory Gallagher- As the crow flys
(1974) - gives me goose pimples as does Jimi Hendrix with All along the watch tower. If I want to be meloncholic then This Mortal Coil with the track Song to a Siren - I never tire of this track. Just some food for thought to distract you.