Friday, 1 February 2008

Tumour Treating Fields

Visit to Universitätsspital Zürich today to talk to a lady (Dr Magneto) about the Tumour Treating Fields (TTF) trial I mentioned back in November. I didn't learn too much more about the treatment except to find out that the "device" is more a rucksack than a handbag. The trial started in early 2006 and they have about half the participants they want so far, so there is a fair chance I will be in recurance before they finish!

An interesting little fact is that because the device is not a drug its not subject to the same complex regulations, so once the trial is finished (assuming statistically significant success) it will be available on the market almost immediately. Not that the my insurer will necessarily pay for it.

One interesting little point that Ms. Magneto mentioned in passing is that Universitätspital's current therapy for recurring GBM's is combined Avastin and CPT-11. This is a very interesting combination of an angiogenisis inhibitor (stops blood vessels from getting to the tumour) and a topoisomerase 1 inhibitor (normal tumour bashing chemotherapy). I need to read up on this a bit more.

Dr. Magneto had taken a look at the Histology from my Biopsy and she commented on the inconclusive results and offered me a second opinion from their labs. I, of course, took it.... more later.

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