Saturday, 9 February 2008

British Zombie in Zurich

Been a bit of quiet week this week, but to some extent that was planned because it was Chemo cycle 3 and as you all know by know this gives me nausea and tiredness. Anyway I still managed to put a day and a bit at "the office" and started to do some reading up on Insurance risk management (ah, perhaps that was the cause of the nausea and tiredness :-).

Still haven't learned how weak I can get on these days so I went into Zurich to do some shopping with Carol on Wednesday. After an hour or so the other shoppers must of thought we were making "British Zombie in Zurich" with hidden cameras.

Now there is a thought, can anyone think of one movie that seriously features Zurich? There must be dozens where somebody calls Zurich to check a bank account but that's hardly a feature and even then there are probably as many "phone calls" to Geneva even though all the banks are in Zurich! Anybody out there who can show me I'm wrong? Otherwise Hollywood now is you chance "British Zombie" has a star and is just waiting to happen.....

1 comment:

Lyn said...

How about Zurich - Transit (1992) or Stephan@Needlepark.Zurich (2004).... !!!