Monday, 25 February 2008

I hate the waiting

Had the much waited MRI scan this morning, this is my first scan in 6 months. It's hard to believe that since then I have had Brain Surgery (Biopsie), Radiation treatment and a ton of Chemo therapy. Not to mention the birth of my grandaughter and the renovation of the outside of the house.

And now after spending nearly an hour in a noisy claustophobic doughnut, I have to wait until Friday to find out the results....

Last time time we compared two MRI scans a little under two and a half weeks apart my tumour had grown from 6.5mm to 10mm. So if all that treatment has had no effect, I could be looking at a 46mm tumour by now. Mmm, I don't think I want to think about that.


John said...

oday I had my firsr dose of chemo forst thing in the morning: 140mg of Temozolomide, preceded by an anti-nausea pill. I felt nothing. No discomfort, no nausea of any sort. This afternoon I had my forst shot of radiotherapy- Two fields - on from behind my head and one from the right side.
Again, I felt nothing. I hope to get my MRI pictures on a disk so that I can post some of them on this blog. All the best to you Ian.

Ian said...

It looks like you are getting the same treatment as I had. Interesting as I thought that they only used that on GBM or RECURRENT Anaplastic Astrocytoma. You might be interested in for some interesting stuff on Temozolomide including a dosage calculator.

Rob said...

The waiting must be torture - it is for me I know. Regards from Budapest Rob

Lyn said...

Ian, I know in my heart that there will not be a 46mm tumour there..... in my expert non-medical opinion of course L x