Tuesday 20 May 2008

Family Getogethers

Carol & I just spent a long weekend in England to visit family. Both our respective families have their recent roots in London (East End for Carol and Greenwich for me). Both of our parents moved out in the late 50's to Stevenage New Town (hence our chanceful linking up). Since then none of our parents, have remained (which if you knew the town would not suprise you) but spread themselves between Peterborough and London (except us, who are a little further afield).

To cut a long a long story short, visiting Parents, Siblings, Neices and Nephews is just about picking a couple of meeting places in between Peterborough & London.

Friday was spent at my In-laws, and after spending the morning at a drizzly Car Boot Sale (a favourite pastime of both Carol and her Mother) Carol's 2 sisters turned up with husbands and some of the Gardiner Nieces & Nephews. On the Smith's side (that's my side) we have the advantage that one my 3 sisters runs a pub in a little village near Hitchin, thus providing an ideal meeting space.

This is the first time that we have met our folks since my diagnosis, but it was really pleasent that nobody dwelt on the subject. It was a fun few days of reminiscing and catching up.

Love you guys.

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